It's a cliché, I know, but the thing about clichés is they have a ring of truth.
“The more things change, the more they remain the same.”
The same cliché applies to camp. Those of us who attended the 125th anniversary saw how camp had changed since we last were on the island.
New buildings replacing the old and new programming reflecting current times are two of the obvious changes.
Yet it hadn’t changed, really, that much beneath the surface. The island is more about the people who pass through it, in the past, now, and in the years to come.
The friendships and the memories are the same.
Case in point: These gentlemen. They've been friends for longer than many of us have been alive. What connects them is camp.
One matter of note is the recent passing of Graham Lount, who Lount Lodge is named.
I met Mr. Lount only once, on the day in 1981 he opened the lodge.

I didn't know or appreciate it then, but his generosity impacted me immensely, and, in a way, helped me become the person I am today.
You can read about his life here: "Graham was one of those rare people that made you feel like everything would be alright, that he could take care of anything, and he did just that."
What follows are some photos and video of anniversary events supplied by Ryan Smith.