Sends us your email and ideas

We have more than 300 emails for camp alumni, but over the last couple of years some of you have moved or changed your email accounts.

Please send your new email and emails of other alumni to so that we can update our list of camp alumni.

If you have an idea for a blog entry or wish to contribute other material like letters, recipes, diary entries, trip maps. . .send them my way.

If any links are broken, please tell me.

And don't be bashful. It's OK to comment. Really. It's OK.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Canoe Trip

Alumni Louis Vulliez, 78, put together this video on his experiences on trail in the 1950s; the land, the water and the people. 


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Punch on plaid trail jackets

Punch talks about the origin of the six-week trail jacket and the beginning of he Camp Stephens wilderness canoe program.

For more information about this summer's celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Camp Stephens wilderness canoe program, go to the Y's camp page for a schedule of events and registration forms.

Friday, April 5, 2013

What happened to the plaques from the old rec hall?

Original rec hall/dining hall shortly after it was built in 1911. This photo was taken in the 1920s.

Inside the rec hall in the late 1940s.
Inside the rec hall in the late 1940s.

Rec hall in late 1950s. As you can see it doubled as the dining hall up until Craig Lodge (the current dining hall) was built in 1962.

The old rec hall/dining hall was torn down in the fall of 1981 after Lount Lodge was finished.

The building sat between the lodge and the basketball court.

Before it was torn down (and burned) the plaques were put into storage. 

For a time they were kept in the back room of the lodge, the room behind what's now the counsellors' lounge.

Anyone know where the plaques are now?

Old rec hall; the smaller white building in the second frame is the ice house.

Inside the old rec hall; the last frame is the former kitchen.

"1911 saw the greatest forward step in the history of camp up to that date. In that year the first Rec Hall/Dining Hall was built on what was the baseball diamond. It was the first major structure on the island. Originally the front portion of the building was a screened veranda and the senior campers ate there. For many years the names of campers and staff who had completed their "Five Island Swim: (an event to this day) were recorded on the walls of the building. However, sometime prior to 1946, the names were painted over and unfortunately never recorded." -- Camp Stephens-The Spirited Challenge